
Miss Polly Had a Dolly

Ears and Dears Website Image 1.JPG

One of the things I love to do when creating a space for a child is to include items that are original and not easily found. The rise of more affordable and on trend decorative items and toys is helpful for our budgets as parents but often leaves the spaces we create feeling as though we have seen them before. The fusion of less expensive items and some that have been carefully curated will help to give your room character and points of interest.

I will admit that my daughters collection of handmade dolls from around the world are more my passion than hers but they do add a charm to her bedroom that is undeniable. There are a great many very talented mums around the world making dolls that are breathtaking in their detail and composition and today I wanted to share just a few of my favourites.

These talented makers can all be found on Instagram  - 









Casey Butterworth